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Q: What is Emotional Regeneration Therapy?

A: During a remote session Hamutal performs a healing session when you’re not physically in the studio. A remote session is equally as powerful as an in-person session.


Everything is made up of energy, vibrating at different frequencies, which means that everything is connected. Energy workers can transfer and balance that energy, and since energy knows no time or space, it can be sent to anyone, anywhere, and at anytime.


Q: What should I expect during a Remote Emotional Regeneration session?


A: For a remote Emotional Regenerational Therapy session you’ll lay down or sit in a location where you won't be bothered. While the session is in progress, you may go through temperature shifts, experience emotional changes, feel as if you’re floating, sinking, spinning, or sometimes feel nothing

at all. Even if you feel nothing, the energy is still flowing and will still work for you.


Q: What can be treated with energy healing?

A: A variety of issues including:

  • Pain

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Fatigue

  • Panic Attacks

  • Pre and post-operative care (less nausea, pain, and faster recovery)

  • Migraines

  • Chronic conditions

  • Energetic imbalances


Q: What results can I expect?

A: Healing can occur in many different ways. Most will experience an increase in energy and can get through the day without being tired or fatigued. Many experience peaceful nights of sleep, reduction of stress, a sense of well-being, and feeling vibrant. You may notice that your health improves. You may not get sick as often, or when you do catch a cold, you recover a lot faster than you normally would have. Some people have experienced a complete turnaround in their health and are no longer suffering from the condition that first brought them to energy healing. The results depend upon you. By choosing wellness and being active in your healing process, anything can happen for you. 

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